It is important that Finnish society and working life are open and receptive to international talent. Diversity, openness and inclusivity in working life supports the integration and retention of inter-national talent.

Diversity is an advantage for businesses and society

Diversity and non-discrimination in Finnish society and working life influence the employment of immigrants and Finland’s ability to attract skilled labour, international students and investment.

Diversity is an advantage for businesses. A company whose employees represent diverse ethnic groups and genders performs better financially. However, there is occasional recruitment-related discrimination in the Finnish job market, particularly towards applicants whose name implies a non-European background.

To address these challenges and increase information regarding the diversity and receptiveness of working life, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has started an action plan to promote diversity and inclusivity in working life. The objective of the action plan is for companies and other organisations to benefit from diversity and to make it easier for immigrants to access jobs that correspond to their skills and achieve progress in their careers.

Learn more:

Working Life Diversity Programme Project Information

Working Life Diversity Programme Publication

Imago Coaching Service Website